Protect your career with a social media scan - Financial Literacy

Protect your career with a social media scan


Instead of hoping that your social media accounts are not damaging your career prospects, there is a new app that analyzes it for you. explains how their app, Clear, intelligently scans through your social media accounts to highlight anything that may appear to be inappropriate or troublesome for a professional setting. Once an item is highlighted, you can choose to keep or delete the post; and the app assists you in doing this. So these questionable posts can be removed before you apply for a new position. (Clear is also working on the capability to screen photos as well, for professional inappropriateness, but it is not ready yet). A periodic scan can possibly spare you from embarrassment and performing career damage control.

Another tool to protect your online presence is that has free and pay services to manage unfavorable or embarrassing search results for your name.


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