Willpower for advancing your career and finances - Financial Literacy

Willpower for advancing your career and finances

What is the opposite of willpower?

  1. Procrastination РHave you been procrastinating on updating your resum̩ or applying for a new job?
  2. Indulgence – Have you been indulging on purchases that you simply cannot afford?

These are the everyday battles that we face with whatever willpower that we can summon. You already know that: your success in life is dependent upon your general level of self-control. Self-control means the capability to do the thing that needs to be done and avoid temptations. When stakes get high, can you take on a difficult task or do you routinely seek fun or easy tasks instead?

Like anything else, willpower is a limited resource but similar to a muscle, it can be increased with appropriate exercise. The more willpower you employ, on a regular basis, the more your willpower capability will grow. According to Dr. Jason Hunt of Brigham Young University, another way to build your willpower is to perform a selfless act. A selfless act uses the exact same part of the brain and the same hormones are released as employing self-control over a temptation. By actively performing a selfless act every day, you are strengthening your willpower that will aid you in parts of your life that need more self-control. There is a lot of research and tactics on motivation, self-control, and willpower that can be found online. Anyone may benefit from learning more about self-motivation and self-control.

For what we are interested in, taking steps toward advancing your career and finances, there is a common and proven tactic to increase your ability to get past procrastination. This is to go somewhere away from any activities and sounds, eliminate distractions and temptations, and then begin taking small steps to advance toward what you want. Even if it is only 15 minutes a day, repeatedly and consistently doing this can lead to material progress toward your goals.

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